Can I see your RAM’s?
Like any contractor, before you can go on site your client will want a copy of your RAMs, but what is it?
To start with RAMs is an acronym for Risk Assessment and Method Statement. For me it’s one document that is split into two areas.
First part you have is the risk assessment; This is a systematic process of identifying and evaluating potential hazards and risks associated with a particular activity, process, or situation.
The aim is to identify the people at risk, the risks to property and/ or the environment, this can be done from observations on site and/or observations done remotely using Google maps, Google earth or other web-based information, and then to determine measures to mitigate or manage those risks effectively.
My method statement is the second part of the document that outlines the specific steps to be followed and checks to be made prior to setting out any GCP’s or flying the drone. It provides a common framework to follow across all flights but can be adapted for each specific flight.
It gives details such as the sequence of activities, safety precautions, and any relevant standards to be adhered to such as PPE etc or where there are specific safety considerations that need to be addressed for each task.
My RAMs document gives a means of record the time and date of the flight, condition of equipment, weather condition including wind speed, risk calculation table contact information for other interested parties such as ATC’s and restricted area contacts and person of specific interest to contact prior to flight such as schools or hotels etc.
I also use it to record which batteries I have used and the total flight time. This helps me to ensure I have maintained the required flight hours.
Each operator will of course have their own RAMs and can only speak from personal experience but having had a reportable incident, the more information you can give the CAA the better.